Blog thoughts

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Blog insight

Published November 8, 2011 by Mary Jane

Hello Blogger friends, it’s been so long since I last update my blog. Special thanks to those who are still checking on my blog post. Alot of things have happened this year – challenging things and also lack of motivation and time so I have not bothered to update my blog 😦 Well, what’s happening in my life at the moment. I’ve moved to a new house and started slowly decorating my new place (that was stressful). Gone back to work full-time – still at the same job. Cooking and baking wise, I’m terribly behind with Jamie’s cook book challenge however – I have since pick up my baking and baked an apple pie for my girl friends when they were over my place the other day 🙂

Pandabear is doing fine, he’s still working hard now that we have a bigger home. Well, I can’t believe this year is coming to an end…it’s a scary thought. But I’m ready to put this year behind me 🙂 I’ve also started this 4 week evening course which takes up 2 days of the week which makes me very tired too! Plans for next year (2012) – March/April traveling overseas and Iam thinking of going back to study (yes! I’m mad!!) – just a language course to brush up my Japanese 🙂 but we shall see.

Regarding my business venture with my mate Jon, I have put that on hold – Jon is super busy with his photography business and as for me, I need to find time to continue with this business idea…we shall see what happens in the new year.

Even though I won’t be updating my blog as much – I will try to find time to update from time to time 🙂

take care everyone and Christmas is just around the corner!

Blog Insight

Published April 4, 2011 by Mary Jane

Morning People, hope this post finds you all well 🙂 I had another hectic weekend again. I do struggle to have a nice quiet weekend and despite having cut down my work hours to 4 days a week – I find myself even more busier with things to catch up and do. Oh well, I’ll eventually get there. So sorry, I haven’t been posting as regularly as I should be. Well, what’s happening over my world, tomorrow is Pandabear and our 3 year wedding anniversary we have booked ourselves in for a nice degustation dinner at Amuse – I’m really looking forward to it as I haven’t had degustation in Perth for a long time and apparently the reviews for this particular restaurant is fantastic so I’m looking forward to tasting their dishes and I’ll definitely do a post later on as well 🙂

Apart from everything else we are quite behind for our daily walk reading but we’re trying to get back on track so I can also do some blog post on the progress of our reading and what lessons we’ve learnt from our daily devotions…besides all the mad things that’s been happening lately, juggling between church ministries, work, family, cooking, meeting up with accountant/mortgage mob etc I’ve had to postpone my meeting with my mate Jon again regarding planning for our business venture/ideas. I feel alittle bad, but fortunately Jon understands I’m just a little under the pump at the moment and he is very understanding and often reminds me not to get too busy with other things in my life. So yes, hopefully this Friday I’ll be able to sit down with him and go through the initial planning stage – I shall keep you guys in the loop 🙂

My vegie patch is doing quite well. Apart from my basil and corianders which are dying – everything else is growing quite well – I’ll be doing another blog post and probably one of these days I’ll be able to harvest my rocket and lettuce soon 🙂

Blog Insight – I’m back :-)

Published March 21, 2011 by Mary Jane

Hello Bloggy friends, I’m so sorry for been out of action for more than 2 months. Alot of crazy stuff have happened lately and I just haven’t had the time to catch my breath and get into swing of things. I’ve recently moved back from Melbourne back home to Perth so the madness of unpacking and cleaning my home takes great deal of time. On top of that Pandabear and I decided to take a month off to go to Europe, so when we return we were struggling to get back to our work routine and getting over jet lag!! 😦

Anyways, apart from all the above I had to wait for our internet to be set up so that I can start blogging again. Coming back home feels great, though I do miss the food adventures i regularly have in Melbourne but it’s nice to be back home again close to my family. Pandabear’s mum have been unwell lately, she’s been diagnosed with Leukemia. This has been a devastating news for the family but thank God things are looking better so far and we’ve now accepted it and trust that God will give us the strength and wisdom to go through this on top of this my grandma is unwell in hospital so my mummy will be flying back home to visit her – so it’s alittle chaotic in Missy’s family right now…

Well, I hope everyone is doing well these days – what’s happening over my world apart from the above. Well, I’ve cut down my work hours from 5 days down to 4 days a week which is great as it gives me some breathing space to catch up on my daily chores and to attend to appointments. I’ve had an opportunity to catch up with my mate Jonathan whom I struggle to find time to meet and finally last Saturday I managed to briefly caught up with him to talk about our Food venture so stay tune I shall let you guys know what comes out of it. Oh, just to jam pack into my crazy lifestyle another exciting thing is since all the vegies/fruits are really expensive due to recent Brisbane flood I’ve decided to set up a mini vegie patch in my back yard – yes, I’m CRAZY!!! I’m really excited though and I hope these seedlings stay alive cos I love organic fruits and vegies – will do a post to show you guys later 🙂

So, I’m going to try my best to get back to my blog routine so stay tuned and thanks for your patience. I have so many blog posts to catch up that I don’t even know where to start….

Happy New Year…2011

Published January 3, 2011 by Mary Jane

Hello Bloggy friends, I’m sorry I’ve been out of action for 2 weeks as I went back home to Perth to celebrate Christmas and new year with my family. Anyways, wow I can’t believe it’s 2011 already. Time flies when you’re having fun. I’ve got a month left of Melbourne before I go out of action for another month in February – this time it’s Europe!! Hooray!! I’m so excited, this is my first time to Europe and I’m sure I’ll be feasting away and taking lots of food photos (drooling). So don’t worry readers, I will make up for it when I return in March. I was really surprised to receive an email from wordpress telling me how healthy my blog is doing and providing some feedback and providing data on my blog. According to wordpress my blog falls into a healthy status – yay 🙂 so I’ll like to take this opportunity to thank all the readers for taking their time to read my blog (you know who you are) and to those who occasionally drops their comments on my blog (thanks heaps! I don’t get many comments so when I get them I get really happy and excited :-))

To kick off to a new year 2011, I’ve decided it’s time to update my ‘about’ page and create a new theme background for my blog. Let me know what you think? As you guys are aware, I love changes and I get bored of the same old boring background so I’ll welcome any feedbacks or criticism hehehe.

Well, here’s my list of 2011 resolutions:

1. To read through the whole bible with Pandabear using ‘the daily walk bible’ – this is going to be a tough one, but I think it’s important we do this as a couple 🙂

2. To maintain a healthy weight either losing more weight or maintaining my current weight – this is going to be a challenge as I tend to pig out and I love my food 😦

3. To realise my food dream ie some where along the lines of owning my own cooking show on TV or a cook book or collaborating a business idea that involves food (I’ve given up on the idea of owning my own restaurant it’s too risky and too hard, but I think if there’s an opportunity out there, it might still be doable) 🙂

4. To hopefully set up a family with Pandabear, yes the reality is I’m getting old and the biological clock is ticking so it’s time to think about settling down and becoming a domestic engineer aka full-time mother.

So readers what are your 2011 New Year’s Resolutions?!?

Blog Insight

Published December 7, 2010 by Mary Jane

Hello Bloggy friends,

Long time no post…it’s been a hectic week with my little sister and mum paying me a visit. We had a fiasco of eating, shopping, time wasting and the list goes on. So now I’m exhausted and some kgs heavier due to constant eating out and not having much of JC meals…okies I need to catch my breath – phew. What’s been happening over my world. Well, I have recently resigned from my work due to hurting my right wrist/arm from repetitious mouse work & bad posture. Yeah, who would have thought that I would hurt myself from work rather than from excessive blogging and facebooking. God closes one door and open up another door, I later on received a phone call from the same company who offered me another role less intense on mouse work so my plan of being a bum from Dec/Jan exploring around Melbourne has now gone out the window and it’s back to work for me tomorrow. I’m thankful for this opportunity as it means more shopping money for our Europe trip in February next year 🙂

What’s been happening lately, well this month has just started and I have managed to hurt my right wrist/arm, hurt my left toe (tripping over some metal sliding door thingy), a bruise on my right arm from acupuncture, dodgy left knee from perhaps too much walking/shopping with my little sister and mum and the list goes on…so this month I must be very careful not to hurt myself more as I’ve been quite clumsy and accident prone 😦

I’m way behind with my Jamie’s cook book challenge and I need to get back on baking desserts and moving onto the savoury section – testing out my home made pasta machine (which I secretly purchased without telling Pandabear – evil laughs)

I’m now gobbling down some awesome ilgelato and will try to blog more post some time this week….

So stay tuned….

Blog Insight

Published September 12, 2010 by Mary Jane

Wow, I woke up with a very sore body. It’s been a blessed trip up to the Mount Buller, the place reminded me of New Zealand full of green pastures and lots of Babas (sheeps) and Moo Moos (cows) – it just reminds me of God’s wonderful creation. It’s so nice to be out of the city area and enjoying this wonderful view of Nature. We spent 2 days in Mount Buller for our discovery ski lesson. Now, day before the ski trip – I was tidying up our house and folding our blankets so it looks nice and tidy on our bed – our bed is extremely low, so I kind of lower myself down to tidy up the bed and did my back in, I must be getting old. It became really sore and I was really worried I might have to cancel my ski trip. Thankfully, my back got back from taking some pain killers and the motor inn we stayed in had electric blanket which works out perfectly for my sore back.

Thank God, I survived 2 days of skiing and snowmen building. Had great fun playing snow fight with Pandabear, improving on my turns with skiing – it’s pretty hard. On our second day of skiing, we decided to promote our selves to 2nd level and only found out that we would have to sit on those lift chairs to go up in the terrain argh!! Thankfully, one of the ski instructor spotted us still haven’t mastered our turns and demoted us back to level 1 – thank God. Another thing I might have mentioned I’m afraid of heights and also quite clumsy in hurting myself. So what a wonderful 2 days up in the Mount Buller, and I didn’t fall once! Though Pandabear did… hehehe..anyways, we had lots of unhealthy food on our trip – skiing is draining and the cafes mostly sell chips, pies and hot food that are high in calories. I even had a huge home made burger that made me feel like I was about to have a heart attack. So I’m going to try go back to more healthier food now that I’m back home. I’m extremely tired and sore, but at least I get to rest at home. Poor Pandabear has to go back to work today and it’s a long day for him. I hope it’s not a busy day for him at work 🙂

Blog Insight

Published September 8, 2010 by Mary Jane

Evening bloggy friends, hope this post finds you well. I had another day off from work today, it feels great – wasn’t feeling too good this morning, sore throat and tired. So I slept in till about mid-day and woke up to head out in search of my little niece’s birthday pressie and some ski socks at the Melbourne Central. Couldn’t find anything, instead bought some edible things from coles to make some steam buns. Nearly had a disaster burning my pots, fortunately I managed to scrub the pot with some lemon and it’s back to normal 🙂 Never knew the powers of good old lemon – I will remember that next day. Another update, tomorrow Pandabear and I will be doing a road trip up to Mount Buller for some really excited cos haven’t had a road trip since we moved to Melbourne. Hopefully the weather permits, as there’s been flooding lately in Victoria, we shall see what happens – I hope I get to make my snowman 🙂

On another note, I’ve been very behind with my Jamie’s Cook book challenge – very very bad – I need to pick up some pace and stick to it and also with my weight loss program, I have a slight suspicion my weight loss plan isn’t working and I may need some professional help. Either Jenny Craig or Lite and easy – which means no eating out for me argh!! (Loud scream) but I really need to lose some weight…sigh..why?? Food is my weakness. Back I think I’ll think about this after I come back from our overseas trip in October.

Blog Insight

Published August 14, 2010 by Mary Jane

Well, it’s been close to 2 weeks since I’ve moved to Melbourne, time really flies. Life in Melbourne is fine, apart from the terrible windy and wet weather. I do hope the rain and wind clears so that I can explore onto the streets. I’m really grateful for the opportunity to come to Melbourne, and would have never thought I would have moved out of Perth ever! So, apart from trying to be productive with my days – I’m also trying out things which I never had the time to do back in Perth. These are just some of the things that I’ve always wanted to do…go through the whole entire cook book! This would never happen in Perth, the reason – well, I’m too lazy and after work I’m so tired that I’ll just go through our fridge and whip something up. Also, another thing is I wanted to know God more and grow spiritually from understanding his word. What better time it is then now, I always feel lack in teaching Sunday school back in Perth. The reason? Well, I came to know the Lord quite late during my Uni days so I never really attended a Children’s Sunday school. So here’s the opportunity to study God’s word by listening to sermons and reading God’s word, which I try to do every day without fail 🙂 Thank God!

Also, having the time of hitting the gym can seem like a luxury or an impossible achievement to achieve back in Perth. I work day times so pretty much my only gym time would be after dinner – which is kinda impossible when all I want to do is sit infront of the TV and veg out! So having a gym facility down stairs with a pool, spa, sauna and even a steam room is just great! I have no excuses and the first thing I would do in the morning is have brekkie and hit the gym. It’s a great way to start the day. I feel refreshed and then I would follow by listening an hour of sermon, have lunch, do my cook book challenge and if weather permits I would visit QV to buy some groceries. I find the time goes real quick in Melbourne and people ask me do I get bored not working? Not at all, I try to fit in as much as I can each day so I don’t waste time. In between I would also apply for jobs, facebook and night time comes it’s when I blog 🙂

I do miss my family and my church very much, but I tell myself 6 months will go very quickly and before I know it, it’s time to go back home unless God has long plans for us in Melbourne 🙂 The other good thing is I get to hang out with friends whom I haven’t seen for ages and catch up with my brother in law’s family which is great, there’s 2 little ones there and I love kids – which reminds me I miss my 2 nieces very much! Well, we shall see how my routine goes and whether I would achieve my goals in time!

till next time…

Blog Insight

Published July 26, 2010 by Mary Jane

Hello Bloggy friends, so sorry that I haven’t been posting lately…been too busy, sick or lazy. Either one of those excuses. Anyways, I finished my work on last friday and was feeling a little sad to leave work, but then I get to sleep in now and no more waking up early in the mornings to catch the bus yay 🙂 So this week is my final week in Perth and I have a long list of things to do like gardening, packing, cleaning, catching up with people and sorting out bits and pieces before I move. It’s really exciting, I’ve lived in Perth most of my life and have never moved to any other cities in Australia before.

I didn’t realised that there’s quite a few things to do before you move to another state. A lot of people asked me whether I’m going to get a job in Melbourne, the answer is YES – probably a casual or part time job 2-3 days in the office and the rest of the days I’m suppose to go to Gym and try to lose some weight…and other days left I will try to practice my cooking skills. I have come to the point that I’m not really inspired lately and most of the dishes I cooked lacks in creativity or they are just simply similar dishes I have cooked before.

So, my goal for the next 6 months is to lose weight cos I could start to see the strain on my health and maybe that’s why I’m always sick. I will also be attempting a Jamie Oliver’s cook book challenge, I’m really bad when it comes to following cook books and recipes. This will be a discipline for me to follow it strictly and improve my culinary skills. It’s going to be hard not to be tempted with lots of yummy food in Melbourne, but I must try not to overindulge myself. Mmm.., who am I kidding that’s never going to happen 😦

Okies, will try to add some post when I have time.

Blog Insight

Published June 12, 2010 by Mary Jane

Evening Bloggy friends, I’m so sorry I’ve been so busy with so many things…and also lazy to do some post. However, tonight is the night I catch up on my posting. Well, what’s been happening lately. A friend of mine got married, we had Jodie from Ingham, QLD coming over to our church to do a Sunday School Training Workshop, and just in general work and work. The other day I was talking to one of my friend and we realised how time is flying, I can’t believe I have around 6 weeks till I finish work and 7 weeks till I move to Melbourne. People ask me how I’m feeling? Well, to be honest – I’m nervous and at the same time excited and a little sad that I’m leaving Perth. I know I’m a big baby…the thought of leaving my family & friends for whole of 6 months just wanna make me tear up 😦 I guess I’m not that strong after all.

Oh in saying this, recently we’ve been looking around for rental accommodation in Melbourne – and nearly got scammed by this person who claimed she’s in Italy and got a third party company to arrange for delivery of keys, lease agreements and etc. I knew deep down the rental price was too good to be true, but we thought if this lady was genuine it would have saved us lots of $$$. Nevermind, no harm was done except time wasted but what can you do. So please beware of online scammers – they are definitely out there waiting for innocent people to con them in. Grrr….I hope these scammers get caught soon and let justice reign.

I’ve been thinking lately, my food inspiration has kinda gone down the slope – even cooking dinner every night, I feel kinda can’t be bothered. Haven’t pin point why? All I can think of is probably lack of new food menu ideas. I’m hoping moving to Melbourne will pick up my passion again. But I’m still into Masterchef, still thinking whether I should still sign up maybe one day…

Well, I hope my bloggy friends are doing well…I don’t usually get any comments – but I know you’re out there reading my blog 🙂